Uomini e Donne: Chia svela i retroscena della puntata del 24/11/23

Uomini e Donne Chia svela i r Uomini e Donne Chia svela i r

Uomini e Donne: Chia’s Opinion on the Episode of 24/11/23

Cristian Forti: A Synopsis of Stupidity

In today’s episode, Virginia Degni perfectly described Cristian Forti during their date. She said, “I’m worried about you, you’re just stupid! I don’t mean it in a mean way. I think you’re a good person, but you’re just stupid, Cri!” And she hit the nail on the head. There couldn’t have been a more accurate summary.

If someone keeps repeating, “What did I do wrong?” as if they just fell from the soap mountain and they’re not the same person who, in order to keep their options open with Virginia, Valentina Pesaresi, and Valeria Panza, has been stumbling from one mistake to another in each episode, contradicting themselves in an embarrassing way every time, then there really are no excuses left.

He acts on instinct, poor guy. And instinctively, not only does he do the same things with everyone, but he also does them within the same afternoon to optimize his time. He wants to kiss them? He kisses one during the 3 PM date and the other during the 7 PM date. He wants to go after them after they (rightfully) left him hanging? He does it on the same evening, one in Testaccio and the other at the Eur lake half an hour later. He doesn’t even have the basic cunning of a tronista who changes the day at least. He optimizes his time to avoid exhausting the production team, what a star.

And what makes me laugh the most, I swear, is that he acts surprised when they get upset, saying, “I thought you understood me!” What do you mean? These women are courting someone who says the same things to everyone and goes after anyone, and then they have to pat him on the back and be understanding? Give me a break!

Virginia hit the nail on the head again when she exclaimed, “If he wants to keep three girls, he needs to know how to handle them!” And it’s clear that he can handle three girls as well as I can handle a low-calorie diet. Absolutely not, in other words.

Cristian: A Failed Federico Mastrostefano

This reminds me of Federico Mastrostefano from many years ago, who also tried to keep his options open (in his case, even more than three, at least four or five at a time!). But he not only managed it easily and with some cunning (who would have thought I would call Mastrostefano cunning one day!), always finding a way to save face and keep everyone happy. But at least he made us laugh with all the chaos he caused. Cristian, on the other hand, doesn’t even give us a cringe-worthy moment, damn it.

Anyway, some things never change. Like Ida Platano’s lack of reading comprehension, for example. Today, Roberta Di Padua was jokingly saying, “From now on, I only watch the over 40s, I don’t watch the guys anymore!” and the new tronista responded with a Sicilian accent, annoyed, saying, “I didn’t like the fact that until yesterday she said ‘I like younger guys’ and today she says ‘I like older guys’!”

Apart from the fact that it was clearly a joke, because when will Roberta actually go for someone over 40, the point was to make fun of not pursuing the same type of suitors as Ida to avoid the same old drama. I mean, she literally doesn’t understand anything, ever. You have to be incredibly dense to have such an incredible ability to NEVER UNDERSTAND ANYTHING, seriously.

Then, in the post-episode video, after three out of four guys who came for the blind date left her hanging, she has the audacity to wonder, “Why is everyone running away? I still don’t get it, why!” Seriously?

Silvio Venturato’s Rapid Decline

Speaking of worrying people, what about Silvio Venturato’s rapid decline? Did his recent date with Gemmona completely take away his sanity?

Because today, he was there emphasizing how Gabriella La Torre, after a pleasant date with Edoardo, was a “wonderful woman” with whom he had “a fantastic evening.” But just a week ago, he was sitting in the studio complaining about how boring and full of herself she was, to the point that she bored him to death with stories about burraco clubs and the Florentine jet set, not me.

In conclusion, let me say a few words about Emanuela Malavisi and Marco Antonio Alessio. Because in the studio, everyone was applauding the knight, but honestly, I agree with Maria De Filippi, who defended the lady.

“In these cases, when one person is ahead, you can’t blame the other person for being behind because it becomes exhausting. And when a man is exhausted, he takes a step back because he feels closed off. I have to choose you every day, but you don’t have to ask me every day, ‘Are you choosing me? Oh, are you choosing me? Choose me, choose me!’ Most likely, I will choose you, but let me choose.”

It doesn’t seem to me that Emanuela is stalling because she’s not interested in him or because she wants to play games, considering she’s on Uomini e Donne. It seems obvious to me that she’s simply moving at a different pace than him, but they’re on the same path. And I wouldn’t applaud someone so much for making you feel guilty just because you went to say hello to an old friend you randomly found in the studio, as if you had cheated on them. That’s just too much applause, really.

To conclude, I’d like to mention the videos from the episode: Full Episode – Maria: “Barbara, why do you have to humiliate yourself?” – Ida: “Roberta, you haven’t changed!” – Gabriella and Edoardo: irony and kisses – Ida and Mario: from friends to… – Emanuela: “Marco Antonio, you went out with Roberta. Then she…” – Cristian and Valentina’s date – Cristian and Valentina after the date – Cristian and Virginia’s date – Cristian and Virginia after the date – Cristian: “That’s just who I am, I act on instinct…” – Ida and the blind date.

Unseen videos: Cristian after the episode – Ida’s feelings!

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