“Noemi riceve il prestigioso premio Women in Cinema a Venezia”

22Noemi riceve il prestigioso p 22Noemi riceve il prestigioso p

A Venezia, Noemi, one of the most talented and genuine voices in Italian pop music, was awarded the Women in Cinema Award. This award, created by a group of women to honor extraordinary female figures, was also presented to notable personalities such as director Jane Campion, virologist Ilaria Capua, and actress Monica Guerritore.

The award was conceived by Angela Prudenzi, Claudia Conte, and Cristina Scognamillo and is given by an all-female jury, composed of journalists from major newspapers present at the Lido. This year, the Women in Cinema Award was dedicated, in essence, to all women who have been victims of violence.

Veronica Scopelliti, known by her stage name Noemi, is a Roman artist who, at the age of forty, achieved fame participating in X Factor. She has participated in the Sanremo Music Festival seven times and has performed songs that have become part of the collective imagination, such as “Vuoto a perdere,” “Sono solo parole,” and “Glicine.” Her duet with Fiorella Mannoia, “L’amore si odia,” was a great success.

Noemi is also an activist against body shaming and has a long history of involvement in cinema.

This award is dedicated to women. What remains to be done for women? How long is the road to achieving equality and respect?

“Well, fortunately, we live in a part of the world where women have achieved great milestones, but we must fight for all those places where women haven’t reached those milestones. I think of Iran, Afghanistan, where women are denied the right to education. And there is a treatment reserved for women as if they were second-class human beings.”

Is it difficult to be a woman in the music industry? Are there areas that are off-limits? Have there been difficulties in rising to the top?

“No, not really. There is only one thing: it is easier for a female audience to listen to a male singer-songwriter, whereas men struggle to accept a female singer-songwriter. So, this makes our path a bit more complicated. But I see that many things are changing.”

For example?

“For example, Madame. She is a poet who has ventured into music. And her brave storytelling about herself and her sexuality is beautiful. Madame has overcome all taboos.”

“As I grew up, I learned to love myself”

Have you faced any taboos?

“As a young girl, I almost felt ashamed of being a woman, even of being attractive. However, as I grew up, I understood that a woman’s body is beautiful because it is full of meaning, because it carries its entire story.”

You also introduced Tecla Insolia, the young singer who will be the lead actress in “L’arte della gioia,” Valeria Golino’s controversial film based on Goliarda Sapienza’s work. A film that goes beyond morals.

“Yes, Tecla is a very courageous and profound girl. I believe she is an amazing actress.”

The relationship with cinema.

Noemi, you studied cinema even before becoming a singer…

“Yes! I wrote a thesis on new technologies and CGI in cinema, with a thesis titled ‘A Body for Roger Rabbit.’ I was fascinated by films like David Cronenberg’s ‘Crash.'”

You have also directed many of your music videos.

“I have written the screenplay for almost all the videos of my career, and sometimes I have also directed them. And, as a devoted fan of Nanni Moretti, I was thrilled when I saw that ‘Sono solo parole’ was featured in his film ‘Il sol dell’avvenire.'”

You have had many collaborations: Gaetano Curreri, Fiorella Mannoia, Loredana Berté. It’s as if music is a team game for you.

“It is indeed like that. Even when there is only one singer, they are just the tip of the iceberg. Music is a blend of voices, of people. And genres. I really like that many genres have entered pop music: soul, rap, hip hop. It’s very interesting.”

What fascinates you about the future?

“Music is a way to meet others. I am afraid of artificial intelligence. It is interesting, yes, but I love human work.”

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