Myrta Merlino interpreta melodramma ma recita il ruolo del gobbo: recensione e analisi

Myrta Merlino has opened the new season of Pomeriggio 5 with a melodramatic tone. Lots of emphasis and even tears that moistened her eyes. “What an emotion, the firsts are always a great emotion. Everything is new for me, first time on Canale 5,” the journalist declared. And she continued, “Since Covid, I haven’t had an audience anymore, what an emotion.” Then, there was a promise, rather rhetorical to the audience: “I make you a promise, from my past professional life, I will bring my love and respect, and I will always be on your side.”

She then moved on to thank the one who has led the show for years: “I want to thank Barbara d’Urso, who has hosted this program for 15 years. Goodbye Barbara, thank you.” Irony, sarcasm, and criticism immediately poured in on social media. “Bring Barbara back,” “How cringeworthy is this opening,” “Bring Barbara back,” and so on. There are also those who venomously claimed that the new host read the whole time from a teleprompter and that there was little spontaneity (an image leaked on social media seems to confirm that the speech was read word for word).

What is certain is that Merlino tried to open her new adventure by focusing heavily on emotions, trying to insert herself, from this point of view, in the footsteps of d’Urso. Perhaps not a very successful move. Or maybe it is, who knows. As usual, it will be the ratings that will determine if the program will work or not.

Mediaset has carefully prepared everything, now it’s up to Myrta Merlino to make the difference.

Mediaset has done everything possible to ensure that Myrta Merlino can take off. They moved the talk show’s airing time ahead of Alberto Matano’s La vita in diretta (too dangerous to clash with that powerhouse from the start) and scheduled Pomeriggio Cinque immediately after Terra Amara, taking advantage of the excellent ratings of the soap opera (Barbara d’Urso, in recent years, had a much weaker lead-in).

Furthermore, as the former face of La7 herself has underscored, she will also be able to have a live audience. Will all this be enough? Mediaset certainly hopes so, as they have heavily relied on the “removal of d’Urso” operation. Perhaps too much!

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