Imelda, 90 anni, diventa maestra per un giorno dopo il diploma: una storia di ispirazione

Imelda 90 anni diventa maest Imelda 90 anni diventa maest

Imelda Starnini, a 90-year-old woman from Città di Castello, recently achieved another lifelong dream. After receiving her high school diploma with a score of 76/100 in July at the San Francesco di Sales Institute, she had the opportunity to be a teacher for a day. She stood behind the desk at the Userna Primary School and wished all the students a happy new school year.

Accompanied by her daughter, Sara Mercatelli, Imelda arrived promptly at the school, which had been completely renovated thanks to funding from the Ministry of University and Research. The school was chosen by Mayor Luca Secondi and the Public Works Assessor, Riccardo Carletti, to inaugurate the new school year.

During the ceremony where Imelda received an official plaque from the mayor, he invited her to preside over the start of the new school year. Imelda described the experience as an incredibly strong emotion, perhaps even greater than when she took her high school exams.

She spoke to the children, urging them to study, read, and always pay attention to their teachers. She emphasized that after family, school is the most important thing in life. She encouraged them to become stronger individuals capable of facing the future.

Minister of Education and Merit, Giuseppe Valditara, wrote a letter to the school’s principal, Simone Polchi, in July, praising Imelda’s example as a valuable inspiration for young people. He emphasized that the love for knowledge has no age or time limits because it is always the right time to learn.

The mayor and the assessor expressed their pride in Imelda’s achievement, stating that she will always be a point of reference for the community. They thanked her for being an inspiration.

Simone Casucci, the principal of the second educational district, presented Imelda with a certificate of public merit. He commended her for proving that there are no time barriers when it comes to learning throughout one’s life.

Imelda’s story serves as a reminder that it is never too late to pursue your dreams and continue learning. Her example will undoubtedly inspire many others to embrace the love for knowledge at any age.

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