Francesca Michielin, interrompe il tour a causa di problemi di salute dopo un intervento: “Intollerabili dolori addominali”

Francesca Michielin has had to cancel all tour dates today due to health problems. This is not the first time she has had to stop performing due to her illness. In early August, she was forced to cancel some of her concerts for a surgical procedure. Now, however, her doctors have advised her to take a few more weeks off before returning to the stage. “I wanted to tell you about what happened to me in the last year,” she writes on Instagram. “Unfortunately, I won’t be able to return to the stage as soon as I thought, but I have to cancel the remaining tour dates. I am very sorry.”


“In the last year, I have learned that we can’t always have control over everything, in fact: I have understood, or rather, I have accepted that life often asks us to let go, even when there are more questions than answers. But even more so, I have realized that we must give dignity to and embrace our bodies, especially in moments of ‘imperfection’, deep insecurity, and vulnerability, even when they can’t support us as we would like. I am writing this to you because exactly one year ago, I discovered that I had a physical problem. I tried to live with it, continuing with my life, despite the constant presence of pain, but I did it because I love my job and I love sharing it with you. And I discovered that I am much stronger than I thought, especially when living with my fragility.

Let it be clear: there are much more serious problems than mine, I was and am a very lucky person, and I have faced this discomfort with the most proactive spirit possible, and the tour, in particular, with your presence, has given me incredible energy. Unfortunately, in these twelve months, despite several attempts, the problem has not gone away, in fact: I had to undergo a fairly invasive surgery – a month ago – because I had no alternatives. But, even though reluctantly, I accepted it because apparently, it was the only path to feeling better again. As I had written to you, I had to interrupt the tour for a month in order to get back in shape.

The surgery went very well fortunately, thanks to excellent medical staff to whom I will never stop being grateful, and even though it was different from usual, August was filled with affection, creativity, slowness, nature, and your good vibes that came with your constant care and attention. In the last ten days, as per the ‘protocol’, I slowly started making music again. While trying to do my usual vocal training, I experienced increasingly intense abdominal pain that intensified and became unbearable. I thought they would go away, that it was all normal, but every day I felt worse.”


“Which brings us to today, Friday: after several visits, the doctors told me that I need to take more time off than initially suggested. You can’t imagine the sadness and frustration that this news caused me. According to them, it is not the right time to return to the stage and I need a few more weeks to get back to doing my job, which allows me to connect with you and truly feel good. So, I am here to apologize to you, to myself, because I am forced to cancel the remaining dates of the summer tour and upcoming commitments. I wanted to transparently tell you about what happened to me, and I hope you can understand how devastated I am not to be able to return to the stage. And I hope, above all, that you will stay by my side because maybe, today, I need you more than ever. I promise you that we will soon be singing and living together ‘without degrees of separation,’ as we have always done in the last ten years. I love you.”


“Francy, your health is always the priority,” Laura Pausini writes to her. “You must not feel guilty, your body is speaking to you, and you must listen to it. We are waiting for you faithfully, hoping above all that you are always well.”

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