Diana Bracco: “La cultura eleva la qualità della vita dell’individuo”

Diana Bracco 22La cultura elev scaled Diana Bracco 22La cultura elev scaled

Diana Bracco, President of the Bracco Foundation and President of the Bracco Group, emphasized the important connection between wellbeing and cultural enjoyment during the event “Healing through Art: Beauty as Therapy” at the Carlo Bilotti Museum in Villa Borghese. The Bracco Foundation recognizes the significance of this relationship as it aligns with their focus on culture, science, and social issues.

In today’s society, cultural engagement has increasingly become a vital part of people’s lives. Numerous studies conducted in different countries have shown that attending concerts, theaters, cinemas, and exhibitions enhances individuals’ perception of their own wellbeing. In other words, culture improves an individual’s quality of life.

Diana Bracco emphasized the need for healthcare professionals to not only focus on technological advancements in medical tools and treatments. While research and innovation remain crucial, it is equally important for healthcare providers to recognize that patients’ request for healthcare entails all aspects of wellbeing. In this regard, art can create a conducive environment for patients, helping them cope with treatments and manage stress and fears.

The use of art as a therapeutic tool is gaining recognition in the medical field. Its ability to engage patients on an emotional and psychological level has proven to be beneficial. Art interventions, such as music, painting, and theater, have been found to alleviate symptoms of anxiety and depression, improve cognitive abilities, and enhance social interaction. These positive effects contribute to a holistic approach to healthcare.

Diana Bracco stressed the importance of integrating culture into healthcare settings to create a more patient-centered approach. Hospitals and healthcare centers can incorporate art exhibitions, live performances, and workshops to provide a healing and inspiring atmosphere for patients and their families. This integration not only enhances the patient experience but also creates an environment that supports the wellbeing of healthcare professionals.

The Bracco Foundation actively promotes initiatives that bridge the gap between culture and healthcare. Through partnerships with museums, medical institutions, and cultural organizations, they work to develop projects that prioritize the wellbeing of patients. These initiatives include art therapy programs, exhibitions in healthcare facilities, and the support of scientific research on the benefits of art in healthcare.

In conclusion, the correlation between wellbeing and cultural engagement is a crucial topic for the Bracco Foundation. By recognizing the positive impact of culture on individuals’ quality of life and integrating it into healthcare settings, they strive to create a more patient-centered approach to healthcare. The use of art as a therapy tool has proven to be beneficial and has the potential to enhance the overall wellbeing of patients and healthcare professionals alike.

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