Amore tra Mirko e Perla nel Grande Fratello: Isabella Recalcati e Manuel Marascio sostengono la coppia

Amore tra Mirko e Perla nel Gr Amore tra Mirko e Perla nel Gr
Amore tra Mirko e Perla nel Grande Fratello: Isabella Recalcati e Manuel Marascio sostengono la coppia -

Isabella Recalcati e Manuel Marascio: “Mirko and Perla are in love, if I were Greta, I would step aside”

The former protagonist of Temptation Island 10 then confessed which of the girlfriends he no longer has a relationship with and why

We got to know Isabella Recalcati and Manuel Marascio during the last season of the reality show that puts relationships to the test, Temptation Island. Here, after only a few days, they requested the confrontation bonfire, after reaching certainty and security as a couple.

Today, they continue their love story and think about a future together. Interviewed by Libero Quotidiano, Manuel first talked about how things are going between them:

“I’m doing very well, I have accomplished what I had to do outside and this makes me more serene and happy. The most beautiful moment was when I hugged Isabella again, an indescribable emotion! I have experienced a thousand emotions with the guys inside. Have I changed? Absolutely not. Certainly more aware of what we need to be together and happy. The goal is to live together and be happy together! I already feel married to her, we are not the type of couple who needs this to know that we will be together forever.”

Isabella also shares the same opinion and expressed her desire to marry her boyfriend. However, she also mentioned the couple formed by Francesca Sorrentino and Manuel Maura. The two recently confessed to getting back in touch. If Manuel doesn’t know the situation between the two in depth, Isabella commented:

“I think Francesca is a very sweet girl and she needs someone who loves her always, not on alternate days… If Manuel has finally realized that he made a mistake with her and is ready to win her back and love her, so be it. The important thing is that he no longer makes her suffer because she is a girl who deserves all the good in the world.”

There was also a comment on the possible rekindling of the flame between Mirko Brunetti and Perla Vatiero. Isabella, who had already commented on their closeness in the past, was the first to speak:

“I don’t know if they will get back together, that’s up to them to decide. I definitely see love between them, you can perceive it from their gestures, their looks, every little attention. I believe that both of them are benefiting from being together in the house. I think they have both matured and understood each other’s mistakes and that, finally, the authenticity and depth of their bond are being seen.”

Manuel, on the other hand, said:

“I don’t know if they will get back together… but their eyes speak volumes!”

And speaking of Greta Rossetti, Isabella said what she would do in her place:

“I don’t know Greta personally, I don’t know what she really feels towards Mirko. I think that if I were in her place, I would step aside. The relationship between Mirko and Perla is evident to everyone.”

Manuel, as a close friend of Mirko, revealed what Mirko told him when they were together:

“The only thing I have to say about Greta is that when they were outside the Big Brother house, Mirko told me that he tried in every way to clarify things but she didn’t give him the opportunity; and with the excuse of wanting to be alone, she made him feel bad!”

Finally, Isabella Recalcati revealed which of the ex-girlfriends she met on Temptation Island she no longer has a relationship with.

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