Addio al grande sociologo De Masi: un talento che vive oltre le sfide della malattia

Domenico De Masi, sociologist and professor at Sapienza University in Rome, has passed away at the age of 85. He was known for his contributions to the field of Sociology of Work and was considered an inspiration for many battles fought by the Five Star Movement, particularly in regards to the implementation of a basic income. The announcement of his death came from the M5s party themselves, who highlighted De Masi’s innovative theories and his defense of social and civil rights. As the Dean of the Faculty of Sociology of Communication at La Sapienza, De Masi consistently showed his support for the most vulnerable members of society, as well as the younger generation.

The Minister of Enterprises and Made in Italy, Adolfo Urso, also paid tribute to De Masi, recalling their encounters during their studies in Sociology. Despite their differing political affiliations, the respect for each other’s ideas was always present. De Masi was a frequent guest at their meetings, providing profound analysis and stimulating discussions. Urso expressed his sadness at the loss of De Masi, recognizing the significant impact he had in Italy and beyond.

Domenico De Masi’s work and ideas will live on, as he leaves a lasting legacy in the field of Sociology. As the news of his passing spreads, the academic and intellectual communities mourn the loss of a brilliant mind. The town of Ravello, where De Masi discovered his illness, also pays its respects, recognizing the cultural activism and social engagement he displayed throughout the years.

It is worth noting that Domenico De Masi was not only known for his research and teaching, but also for his influential writings. One of his most famous works, “The Creative Idleness,” explored the concept of leisure time as a crucial aspect of human development and creativity. Throughout his career, De Masi promoted the importance of finding a balance between work and free time, emphasizing the value of leisure in fostering individual growth and well-being. His ideas resonated with many, including members of the Five Star Movement, who championed policies such as the basic income as a means to ensure the opportunity for creative and fulfilling leisure activities for all citizens.

Domenico De Masi will be remembered as a forward-thinking and compassionate sociologist who advocated for social justice and equality. His contributions to the field of Sociology, as well as his impact on political movements, will continue to inspire and shape the future.

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