Tassa bancaria: Meloni prosegue nonostante la bocciatura Bce, previsti 3 miliardi di entrate. Meloni a Vespa: “La mia vita privata è un mistero”.

Giorgia Meloni, leader of the right-wing party Brothers of Italy, appeared on two TV shows on Tuesday evening, where she discussed various hot topics in Italian and European politics. In the interviews, Meloni expressed her strong views on issues such as immigration, the rescue operation of the Italian airline Ita, and the tax on bank profits. She criticized the European Union’s handling of these issues and expressed her desire to stop the influx of migrants into Italy. Meloni also commented on the appointment of Mario Draghi as a consultant for the European Union, stating that she considers it a positive development for Italy. However, she was less favorable towards Paolo Gentiloni, another prominent Italian in the EU institutions, accusing him of being critical of the Italian government in his interviews. Meloni also discussed the ongoing divisions within her coalition government, but expressed optimism about its future. She emphasized the need for unity and responsibility among the coalition parties. When asked about her personal life, Meloni replied that she currently has no time for anything other than her political duties, but mentioned that she occasionally spends time with her daughter, Ginevra.

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