Possibile processo per Fabrizio Corona: denuncia della presunta vittima

Fabrizio Corona, ex king of paparazzi, finds himself in trouble once again, it seems. According to La Repubblica, the Public Prosecutor’s Office in Milan has requested that he be brought to trial. This time, he has been denounced by a married woman who claims to have been blackmailed by him with an intimate video. It will now be up to the examining magistrate to decide whether to proceed with the trial during the preliminary hearing. The woman in question, married and with children, alleges that she sought help from Corona in 2021 for editorial and advertising services related to a book she was planning to publish.

Specifically, she asked for Fabrizio’s assistance in publishing and promoting the book through social media and his contacts, for a fee. According to her complaint, she had already paid his agency for the work done. However, she was then allegedly blackmailed by Corona, who threatened to release an intimate video featuring her with him. The complaint was filed in April 2022. Last year, the former paparazzo underwent a search by the Carabinieri as part of the investigation led by Prosecutor Antonio Cristillo.

The outcome of the investigation revealed that the Prosecutor’s Office dropped the charge of attempted fraud and concluded the investigation, requesting a trial for attempted extortion. Corona’s lawyer had already explained that the complaint was fueled by the dissatisfaction of this woman, who was apparently unhappy with the book’s sales and took it out on the former photographer.

Furthermore, the defense claimed that there had also been a relationship between the two. In recent weeks, Fabrizio has been interrogated to defend himself following the closure of the investigation.

The investigation reportedly includes chat messages and a phone call that confirm the woman’s account. Fabrizio’s lawyer stated that his client had already handed over “the videos and chats” to the Carabinieri, as he has nothing to hide. According to La Repubblica, the lawyer also mentioned the existence of witnesses.

In these days, Corona has also found himself at the center of gossip due to rumors regarding his alleged marriage to Giacomo Urtis.

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